Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

kickin' back

Hi all! I'm back to save this site! :3 there is isn't much readers but I'm gna update anyways ^^

K! I've met my friends for the past few WEEKS. (man, its been so long since i've updated my blog rightttttttt). it was fun, always been fun :) oh and IF you're wondering about my results... it was okay, i'm contended?

Been to NUS and NTU open house on Saturday and MAN, you got to see it to believe it. Words are like knife, they stabbed you HARD. why can't degree holders be less harsh on their words.. freaking hell. I was boiling upon hearing what the presenter had to say about the other uni. KARMA WILL HIT YOU HARD.

NTU FTW!!!!!!!!!! :3 hehe.

applied, paid the fees.... and now... its back to square one. the anxiety of the longgggggg wait. please accept me, environmental engineering :( HAHA *pathetic*

and if you guys (if there's even any) is wondering how's things with my bf, well... ITS FINE AND I LOVE HIM LIKE SO MUCH.XO, YAY :>