Sunday, April 1, 2012

I've got 30mins to spare so I'm here again hehe. Anw I'm gna state 10 random facts about myself. Haha it's not like anyone would read this anyways so yep here I goooooooooooooo! fact#1, I can't be bothered to make my bed. Haha in fact Ive never once make my bed when Im up. Fact#2, I don't think I'm a looker. As in I feel that people would stare at my hair or my clothes or shoes k mostly my hair. Never my face. Fact#3, I've only like sporty stuff when I was 17. So ya for 16 years of my life I've been a guniang and missed out great deals then. Fact#4, I don't have bestfriend, only best friends. Fact#5, I used to hate making new friends. Fact#6, I've always think that lesbians are hot. Fact#7, i'm attracted to cute guys hahahahahahaha fuck. Fact#8, my friends are always my first priority. Friends before boyfriend yo :). Fact#9, k I got to go cus poh here so shall leave y'all with 8!!!!!! Hehe

show you some face.

woke up a tad bit early for school.

I can't freaking wait for holidays to come!!!!!!!! I needa earn more moolah for my braces and tats and shoe and laptop cover and hair treatment :( Poh suggest SIA but ben&jerry sounds as interesting. I really wanted to go for the Jayeless' concert but omgosh it got all sold out after a day the tix were released. WTFUUUUUUUUUUUUU. OH!!! my mum allows me to travel with my friends! fexcited. Phuket is calling for meeeeee woohoooo but damn my mum HAD to scare me by saying that Phuket's dirty. dirty as in G-dirty. nothing scares me more than that, i swear. thats my biggest biggest biggggggggggggggggggest fear ever. i'd rather be pierced through thick needles or being tortured by boiling hot water than to ever experience that. I've hated watching horror movie, in fact i think i only watched it like once? and the scene stayed in my head for like everrrrrrrr. think i was 16 then? but holyshit i still remembered EVERYTHING. OK ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL BYE!!!! :D