Monday, August 29, 2011


hate the night alone. what's wrong with you/me. why are you even distracting me.

Friday, August 26, 2011


/i pity those who laughs at others' dreams, because they don't know how to/

Sunday, August 14, 2011

X's & O's

Hate the fact that I've got to study everything I've studied before. sigh, feels like JC all over.
but i've got amazing friends with me so it makes me less stressful HEHE. had my braces on last friday and one of my bracket is loose already!! :( OMGGGG, i suck at this now cus i dont know what else to say haha. looking forward to the 3rd week of this month cus i'm gna go swim with yuanyunnnn! :3 so erm ya TILL THEN!!!! (when I have pictures)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The edge,

HEHE. woke up at 5pm today!! why?? CAUSE I WENT TO MAMBO NIGHT YESTERDAY WITH MY CAMP PEOPLE YAY. It was so freaking fun!!!! The snrs decided to make us high a little before going in, so we had a few shots here and there. Charlotte and Poh was like highhhhh but I was still steady. I responsible girl, take care of them one. HEHE. thennnnnnnnnn, some stuff happened, happy stuff, VERY happy stuff hehe. I was so embarrassed butttthehehehhehehehhehehehe :$ anyways, wild at phuture. sadly mambo was boring :( head to dte at 4 for supper and tadah! KO at home and waking up to exciting news HEHE. isohappynow. OKOK BAI. NEED TO EAT.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I'm starting to think that I'm growing balls.

CAMP WAS NO WAY NEAR SIAN! it was freakinggggggggg fun!! bestcampever \m/
despite having to run and do forfeits like a dog, I still enjoyed myself at camp.
From playing the first hiong-est game to fright night to being so hua chi to night cycling to MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION (HEHE) to amazing race and mud crawl and human pyramid to the wonderful cheers!!! OMGOSHH there's so much to tell!!! the people there were awesome and I cried on the last day of camp :( so saddddddddd. AIYA! i want to share so much with you guys!!! PLS MEET OK!!!!!!! HEHEHEHHEHE. and so that you can also see my very chao ta body and face ^^ XO! BYE!! :D