Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"God bless my grandma"

You'll be fine for me right grandma? 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

hehe so i've been working my ass off for the past week. Finally gotten a job after like 3 weeks of massive interviews lollllll. since ive got time to spare, i'm here!! :D WITH PICTURES, HAHA. for the past 3 weeks before I got myself a job.... I've been busy with interviews, shopping, job hunting, celebrating pohling's 20th, shopping, getting my hair done, jayesslee's concert, high tea and more shopping :D 

guess i'm 2 weeks late but nevertheless, JAYESSLEE's CONCERT WAS AWESOME!!!!! We had the front seat so the view was so damn good la. hehe worth my 81 bux :D 

anw, i think the pictures would be bombed with myself and pohling and only pohling because i've been spending my 3 weeks of jobless days with her haha. 

Thats pohling. My shopping + hair + Kbox + sushi buffet kaki. hehe <3

That was us going to John Little. 

and then since i've got like what, 12 sessions of pendicures.... I decided to pamper my poh.. 

man look at my musfatcles. 

After which was her birthday!!!! Qiyuan got her a meet-the-nat-ho session. PS: she's a self-proclaimed numbo 1 nat ho's biggest fan whom spelt his name as nag ho. sure his biggest fan.

At the event. I swear that girl had that smile on her face for the whole hour? 

 Me: eh if nat ho put his arms over your shoulder you just grab him by this waist ok!!
Poh: hahahahah omg ok!!!!! 
and hence,
after that picture... I was expecting a "OMG!!!!!!! SO SHUANG" or something along that line but guess what his number 1 fan said?
reckon anyone would read this la but so much for his number one fan. i grabbed his fats. 

I brought her to some high tea place at far east the next day :) 

the face i always give when poh start to waste her food. 

Lepak at cafe... and then jiaqi and charlotte came down to surprise her with her "cake".. 


OH. results are out. and i guess im pretty satisfied with it? I cant wait to graduate though. I cant wait to teach!! 

:) BYE!!! gotta prepare for my lifeless 2 months job. man im working 6 days a week and my only off day is on wednesday. tell me about life. SEE Y'ALL :D