Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I know it's been a very long time since I've typed smth here soooooooo, hi!!! 新年快乐 :) I'm in school, waiting for my lecture to start, alone.. Very much explains why I'm here. I've been going to school alone, heading to most lecture alone, attending most tutorials alone and I'm fixing this project stuff alone. Haha I sound pathetic don't I? Hmm. I guess I'm dealing with it quite well ? I'm not in any state of depression yet hehe, independence ftw! I'm a bit angst over the project part though. Can I say it here? Ok fine I shall since only yuanyun sihui jiaqi and sometimes pohling/xiuwei reads my poor wamwam. Define group project > well GROUP work, GROUP discussion. And Im kinda doing the stuff alone despite me asking. No one bother to take the initiative to ask me about my idea and all was like "ok done go with joelyn's idea". I was expecting someone to ask me something about it. Like cmon, my idea is not that perfect?? Ok perhaps they FOUR think that my idea is flawless.... If it's so flawless why can't the damn thing work. Hahahaha omg I sound so pissed. Ok la, I find the idea interesting but I really cant get the model to work!!!!! If it does I swear it's amazing. I've spent a good 10mins ranting on that and Ive got 30mins to goooooooooooooo. Soccer was fun!!! Made a few friends here and there and they were very patient and nice with me :) goalkeeper training tomorrow hahahahaahhahaah I like to dive but pls no bruises or ball-faced. My granny treats me best and happy 44th mummy dearest. Loveyou:)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Rio de janeiro, Brazil.

I fell in love with this state after watching Rio. you know the cartoon blue cute bird movie?

yea this one?

and then CSI had an episode at Rio itself. OMGOSH THE STATE IS FREAKING BEAUTIFUL. the beach............ the buildings...... the markets............

I wanna spend my 21st there, please mummy let me spend my 21st there :( i dont know if its me watching too much tv but Rio looks like a dangerous place to be in like with all the guns and bad guys. OH!!!! FAST FIVE WAS ALSO FILMED AT RIO TOO! its an awesome show, think that show gave me the "omg rio is a fucking dangerous state with all the guns" cause fast five is an actionpacked movie where the characters come together to catch bad guys with a lot of fighting and guns in their sibei zai modified cars and skills la. LOL.


so...... I spent my countdown at erm cafe HAHA yeah boring, but it beats sleeping at home i guess. stayed all the way till 8am and i totally knocked out when i reached home. i fucking woke up at 6pm please HAHA. school's starting in a weeks' time. needa mug real hard for this sem! no pain no gain!!!!!! :D

anw, random but i think its good to believe and have faith in something. idk man, im a free thinker and all i have faith is in .... nothing? its kinda sad that all i can depend on is myself. as in like, when you're in need there's no one to turn to? I have no Gods to pray to, no Gods to thank when some miracles happen. I do believed in miracles and miracles are (to me) some magical events that are made/created by Gods. i dont know how to explain myself but bottomline is that i feel its good to believe in something specially when you need miracles to happen. then again, free thinker ftw. #contradicting ok shuddap.

oh,i'm turning 20.